Shortcuts App

New to iOS 12, Apple introduced the Shortcuts app. This app not only allows you to automate various parts of iOS, but it can also talk to third party apps, including Just Timers. Using the Shortcuts app, you can create new timers entirely using your voice. This document will provide download links for various Shortcuts available, as well outline the functionality provided by the Just Timers API so you can create your own Shortcuts.


API Functions

API Introduction

The Just Timers Shortcuts API is intended to allow control of most functions from the Shortcuts app. Overall it's pretty simple, you just need to create a URL with whatever actions and parameters, then open it with the "Open URLs" function in Shortcuts.

If you haven't already, I highly recommend downloading the New Timer Shortcut to use as an example

The basic URL scheme is justtimers://x-callback-url/[action]/?[parameter]=[value] for individual timers. To control all timers simultaneously you use the "all" modifier as such: justtimers://x-callback-url/[action]/all

Keep in mind you may need to URL encode values that get passed into the parameters, as things like spaces or special characters may cause problems





Create New Timer

To create a new timer, two parameters are required. You must always provide a name, and you can specify the duration either as a sentence like "2 minutes and 20 seconds" or entirely in seconds as a number without words. Optionally, you can specify whether the timer should be active when created. By default it will start running on creation.

Name can contain spaces, and Shortcuts will typically handle URL encoding the value if there are spaces, but keep this in mind if you run into problems

To specify the duration as a sentence (this is specifically intended for use with the dictation feature of Shortcuts) use the "duration" parameter, for seconds as a number only, use the "seconds" parameter.

New timers will be active by default. To pause a new timer instead, use the parameter "active" and the value "false".




Delete Timer(s)

Deleting timers can be handled in two ways. You can provide the name of a timer to delete, or you can delete all timers simultaneously.




Pause Timer(s)

Pausing timers can be handled in two ways. You can provide the name of a timer to pause, or you can pause all timers simultaneously.




Reset Timer(s)

Reseting timers can be handled in two ways. You can provide the name of a timer to reset, or you can reset all timers simultaneously.




Restart Timer(s)

Restarting timers can be handled in two ways. You can provide the name of a timer to restart, or you can restart all timers simultaneously.




Resume Timer(s)

Resuming timers can be handled in two ways. You can provide the name of a timer to resume, or you can resume all timers simultaneously.




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